Jerry Davis
Jerry grew up in Northeast Houston where he learned the value of hard work, business and public service. From a young age, he worked side-by-side with his dad and brothers in the family’s restaurant, dishing out an amazing product and outstanding customer service. The same attributes that mirror Jerry’s work ethic to this day.

Jerry was awarded the Frederick Douglass scholarship leading him to Washington College where he received his bachelor’s degree and volunteered as a Student Athlete Mentor assisting local high & middle school students. He exercised discipline and was a top-tier student athlete playing NCAA basketball and qualifying for the lacrosse semifinals. He continued his higher education obtaining his Master’s degree from Prairie View A&M University in Counseling & Education Administration.

Knowing the value of serving the community he grew up in, Jerry returned home working various jobs such as a Manager at Pappasito’s, and customer service representative at Pottery Barn and Home Depot. Like many of us, Jerry was looking for his purpose that aligned to his upbringing. It was in 2001, serving as the Dean of Students and state championship-winning Head Lacrosse Coach at Westside High School that his purpose became clear. He was intended to serve and serve all people in different capacities.

Ten years later in 2011, Jerry won his runoff election to become the District B City of Houston Council Member and served until 2020, expanding his reach to serve more people. During his tenure he served as Houston’s Vice Mayor Pro-Tem, Chair of the Economic Development Committee and Vice Chair of Budget and Fiscal Affairs. Under his consensus-building leadership style, Jerry brought innovative solutions to tackle the difficult problems facing District B.
He provided a common-sense approach to curing for illegal dumping by establishing HOT teams throughout the City. To this day, his program is used throughout Houston to pick-up and dispose of illegal dumping.
Recognizing that communities needed to take ownership of their most valued possession, he and his team created the “Mow Down” program. This program allowed everyday citizens to control abandoned and weeded lots by petitioning the City to pay neighbors instead of outside contractors to care for the lots.

Beyond the HOT Teams and Mow Down” programs, Jerry advocated for economic policies that provided $1 million annually to expand district specific projects. He also voted on a budget amendment to reduce senior taxes and lower Houstonian’s annual property tax.
Jerry proffered the amendment that changed the term limits from two to four years for the Mayor and City Council saving the City of Houston millions of dollars with consolidated elections while creating continuity in City operations.

Jerry has continued his family’s legacy of serving the community to build generational wealth. As your next Tax Assessor he will work with you to ensure the success of your family today and for generations to come.